How To Get Free Valorant Points?

If you’re a fan of the popular first-person shooter game Valorant, then you know how important it is to have enough in-game currency to purchase skins and other items. However, buying Valorant Points (VP) can quickly add up and become quite costly.

Luckily, there are several ways to get free VP without spending any money. In this article, we’ll be discussing some of the best strategies for obtaining free VP in Valorant. From completing daily missions to participating in giveaways, we’ll cover everything you need to know about earning points without breaking the bank.

So whether you’re a dedicated player or just starting out, read on to learn more about how you can get your hands on those coveted Valorant Points!

Daily Missions And Challenges

Looking for ways to get free Valorant points? One strategy is to complete daily missions and challenges. These tasks refresh every 24 hours and can range from playing a certain number of matches to getting a set amount of kills with specific weapons.

How To Get Free Valorant Points

To maximize rewards from weekly challenges, it’s important to strategize which ones you want to focus on. Some may offer more valuable rewards than others, so prioritize accordingly.

Additionally, try to group together similar challenges that can be completed in the same match or game mode. This will save time and effort while still earning you the maximum reward possible.

By consistently completing daily missions and taking advantage of weekly challenges, you’ll slowly but surely accumulate Valorant points without spending a dime!

Twitch Drops

Daily Missions and Challenges are a great way to earn free Valorant points, but they may not always be enough. So, what other options do players have? One alternative is Twitch Drops.

Twitch Drops can grant you in-game items without having to spend any money. All you need to do is link your Riot Games account with your Twitch account and watch designated streams. However, the effectiveness of Twitch Drops for earning free Valorant Points depends on several factors such as streamer popularity, the frequency of drops, and the number of viewers competing for them.

Keep in mind that it’s not a guaranteed method, but it’s worth trying out if you’re already watching streams regularly.

If Twitch Drops aren’t working out for you or simply don’t suit your playstyle, there are still other alternatives available. Some third-party websites offer surveys, quizzes or tasks that reward you with gift cards which can then be redeemed for Valorant points.

Additionally, some Discord servers host competitions where users compete against each other in mini-games or tournaments to win prizes including VP boosters. Remember though; these methods require much more effort than Daily Missions and Challenges or Twitch Drops so choose wisely!

Participating In Giveaways

Entering giveaways can be a great way to get free valorant points, but it’s important to know where to look.

Finding giveaways can be tricky, but there are lots of resources out there to help.

Entering Giveaways

Don’t you just love the feeling of getting something for free?

Well, imagine winning free Valorant points and being able to purchase all those in-game goodies that you’ve been eyeing!

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Participating in giveaways is a great way to potentially score some free points.

However, with so many scams out there, it’s important to find legitimate giveaway opportunities.

Tips for winning giveaways include following the rules closely, engaging with the host on social media platforms, and sharing the giveaway with your friends.

Keep an eye out for reputable websites or influencers hosting these events and always be cautious when providing personal information.

Remember, patience is key – keep entering until luck finally comes your way!

Finding Giveaways

Now that we’ve talked about the tips and tricks for winning giveaways, let’s dive into the importance of finding legitimate opportunities.

The internet is flooded with scams, making it crucial to be cautious when providing personal information online.

One way to ensure safe participation in giveaways is by searching for reputable websites or social media accounts hosting these events.

Engaging in forum discussions or following influencers on social media can lead you to potential giveaway hosts as well.

Remember to always follow the rules closely and share the event with your friends – who knows, they may even return the favor!

Keep entering until luck comes your way, but most importantly, stay vigilant when navigating through these online spaces.

Referring Friends

Referring friends is a great way to earn free Valorant points. Not only do you get to enjoy playing with your buddies, but you also reap the benefits of referral programs offered by Riot Games.

Here are some tips for successful referral programs:

  1. Spread the word on social media platforms like Twitter or Facebook.
  2. Create custom referral links that people can use when signing up for the game.
  3. Offer incentives such as in-game items or skins for those who refer the most players.
  4. Encourage your friends to invite their own network to join.

The benefits of referring friends go beyond just earning free points. You’ll also have more fun playing with people you know and trust. Plus, it’s a win-win situation – your friends will thank you for introducing them to an awesome game, and you’ll gain more rewards for doing so.

So what are you waiting for? Start inviting your pals today!

Playing Competitive Matches

Are you tired of being stuck at the same rank in Valorant’s competitive mode? Do you want to improve your gameplay and climb up the ranks for a chance at earning free Valorant points? Well, look no further because we have some tips that will help you become a better player.

Firstly, communication is key. Make sure to communicate effectively with your team by using pings, callouts, and voice chat. This not only helps with strategy but also builds teamwork and morale.

Secondly, practice makes perfect. Spend time honing your skills in aim training maps or playing custom games with friends.

Lastly, analyze your gameplay and learn from mistakes. Watch replays of matches or ask for feedback from higher-ranked players to understand what areas you need to improve on.

By following these tips and consistently applying them in-game, you’ll be on your way to ranking up in Valorant’s competitive mode and potentially earn those coveted free VP rewards.

Remember, improving your gameplay takes time and effort but it’s worth it in the end. Don’t get discouraged if you don’t see results right away; keep practicing and learning from each game. With determination and perseverance, anything is possible in the world of Valorant competitive mode.

Taking Advantage Of Promotions

One of the best ways to get free Valorant points is by taking advantage of promotions. Many gaming companies offer special deals and discounts that can help you maximize your benefits.

Timing strategies are also important when it comes to getting the most out of these promotions. To take full advantage of promotions, keep an eye on social media accounts and newsletters from gaming companies. They often announce their latest deals through these channels, so make sure you follow them closely.

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Additionally, try timing your purchases with major holidays or events like Black Friday or Cyber Monday, as many companies will offer exclusive discounts during these times.

By maximizing your benefits and using smart timing strategies, you can easily earn free Valorant points without spending a dime. Just remember to stay vigilant for new promotions and always plan ahead before making any purchases. With a little bit of effort, you’ll be able to unlock all the rewards that Valorant has to offer!

Using Third-Party Websites And Apps

Let’s start by talking about using websites to get free Valorant points;

then we’ll move on to using apps.

Using Websites

Did you know that there are top websites out there that offer free Valorant points?

However, it’s important to be cautious and avoid scams.

Some websites may claim to give away free points but will end up stealing your personal information or money.

To ensure safety, make sure the website is reputable and has positive reviews from other users.

Additionally, never share sensitive information such as your credit card number or social security number on these sites.

By using trusted websites and avoiding scams, you can potentially get free Valorant points without putting yourself at risk.

Using Apps

Now that we’ve discussed the potential risks of using third-party websites to get free Valorant points, let’s move on to another option: using apps.

There are several top apps available that can help you earn points or in-game currency for free. Some of these apps offer tasks like watching ads, answering surveys, or downloading other games in exchange for rewards. Others may require you to complete challenges within Valorant itself.

To make the most out of these apps, it’s important to research and find the best strategies for maximizing your earnings. With a little effort and patience, using apps could be a safe and effective way to score some extra points without spending any money.

Trading Skins And Items For Vp

Using third-party websites and apps may not be everyone’s preferred method for obtaining free Valorant Points. Some players might feel uncomfortable sharing their personal information or risking getting scammed by unreliable sources. For those who prefer a more direct approach, community trading is a viable option.

Community trading involves finding trustworthy traders within the Valorant community who are willing to trade skins and items for VP. This method requires some effort and patience, but it can lead to fair trades that benefit both parties involved.

To get started, here are three tips for successful community trading:

  1. Join active Valorant communities on social media platforms like Reddit and Discord.
  2. Familiarize yourself with skin valuations by checking marketplaces such as Skinport or BitSkins.
  3. Always verify the trader’s reputation before making any deals by asking for references or feedback from previous customers.

Valuing skins and determining fair trades can be challenging, especially without prior experience in the skin-trading scene. However, once you establish reliable connections within the community, this method of earning VP becomes more accessible and safer than using third-party services.

Remember to proceed with caution when dealing with unknown traders and always prioritize your account’s security over short-term gains.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is There A Way To Get Free Valorant Points Without Completing Missions Or Challenges?

There are many Valorant points scams that promise players free in-game currency, but these methods should be avoided as they often lead to account bans or even malware infections.

Instead, there are legitimate ways to earn Valorant points for free without completing missions or challenges.

For example, participating in official events and giveaways hosted by Riot Games can reward players with Valorant points.

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Additionally, some third-party websites may offer a small amount of free Valorant points in exchange for completing surveys or watching ads.

While it may take more effort than simply falling for a scam, using these legitimate methods ensures that players can safely and legally increase their in-game funds without risking their accounts or personal information.

How Often Do Twitch Drops Occur, And How Many Valorant Points Can I Earn From Them?

To maximize your valorant point rewards through Twitch drops, it’s important to understand the eligibility requirements. Twitch drop eligibility can vary depending on the event or promotion, but typically involves linking your Riot Games account with your Twitch account and watching designated streams during specific time frames.

Drops occur at random intervals during these streams and can award varying amounts of points, ranging from a few hundred to several thousand. By staying up-to-date on upcoming events and actively participating in eligible streams, you can increase your chances of receiving valuable rewards without having to complete missions or challenges.

Are There Any Restrictions On Participating In Valorant Giveaways?

When participating in Valorant giveaways, there may be certain restrictions and eligibility requirements. It’s important to carefully read the rules and regulations before entering any contest or giveaway.

These restrictions could include age limitations, residency requirements, or even specific gaming platform restrictions. Some giveaways may also require participants to complete certain tasks or follow certain social media accounts in order to be eligible for entry.

Make sure you fully understand the terms and conditions before attempting to enter any Valorant giveaways.

How Many Friends Do I Need To Refer To Earn Valorant Points?

To earn valorant points through referrals, it’s important to maximize your efforts by promoting your referral link to as many friends as possible.

One of the best ways to do this is by offering incentives or rewards for those who sign up using your link.

Additionally, utilizing social media platforms and online communities can help spread the word about your referral link.

It’s also helpful to personalize your message and explain why you believe others would enjoy playing Valorant.

By following these tips for promoting referral links, you can increase the number of friends who sign up under your name and earn more valuable points in return.

Can I Earn Valorant Points By Playing Custom Matches Or Other Non-Competitive Game Modes?

Yes, you can earn Valorant Points for Custom Matches and Non-Competitive Modes.

In-game rewards are available for Valorant gameplay across various modes, including custom matches and non-competitive game types.

These rewards may include experience points that contribute to your overall ranking or access to exclusive skins and weapons upgrades.

While playing competitive games is the most direct way to earn Valorant Points, exploring the other modes offers a fun variation of gameplay while still earning in-game currency.

So whether you’re looking to play casually with friends or trying out new strategies in custom matches, there’s always an opportunity to earn those coveted Valorant Points.


In conclusion, while there are some ways to potentially earn free Valorant Points, it is important to note that none of them guarantee a significant amount or frequency.

Twitch Drops and referrals may provide some extra points, but they require time and effort on the player’s part. Additionally, participating in giveaways often comes with restrictions and requirements.

Ultimately, the most reliable way to obtain Valorant Points is through completing missions and challenges within the game itself. While it may not be as immediate or effortless as other methods, players can rest assured that their hard work will pay off in the end.

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